Textbelt Terms of Service

Recipients must opt-in

The recipients of your texts must have explicitly opted into receiving your messages. Textbelt is not for bulk advertising or spam. Textbelt reserves sole discretion to identify cases of spammy advertising. You are expected to retain opt-in records.

You must identify yourself

Indicate your name or business in your SMS.

If you are sending recurring SMS, provide opt-out instructions

We automatically process STOP responses. Example language: Reply STOP to opt out.

No impersonation

Do not send messages on behalf of other companies or individuals without permission.

No job solicitation

Do not send messages advertising jobs or inviting the recipient to apply for jobs.

No giveaways or gifts

These are often considered spam by recipients and mobile networks.

No payments

Payment notifications are spammy.

No illegal use

Any messages that break the law in the United States, including messages promoting scams, phishing, or fraud, are prohibited. Repeated harassment and unwelcome texts are also prohibited. Phishings simulation, penetration testing, and "security research" are not allowed. Textbelt reserves sole discretion to identify these cases of illegitimate use.

No marijuana/cannabis or drug related messages

In most countries, national laws prohibit messages related to cannabis and other drugs or controlled substances.

No gambling

SMS referencing gambling, casinos, raffles, sweepstakes, and contests are not permitted by most jurisdictions.

Sending URLs

Sending text messages containing URLs requires account activation. We may not whitelist your domain if your behavior matches patterns of phishing or other abuse.

Shortened URLs (bit.ly, tinyurl, etc) are prohibited due to network filtering restrictions.

Your IP address

We block IPs that exhibit patterns of abusive behavior. Unfortunately, this especially applies to IPs associated with Tor and other anonymizing services.

Impact on your purchase

Violating these terms of services voids the 30-day refund guarantee and could result in removal of your quota.


For quick answers, view our FAQ. Alternatively, email us at support@textbelt.com.